The 10 Most Remarkable Female Killers in History

Olafare Jesutimileyin Ayomide.
8 min readSep 20, 2022


Two 9mm bullets.

While Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth, and Brutus are all well-known Killers, women are not left out in this game. They can play too, and they play really well.

Women have been just as fatal as men when:

  • Targeting.
  • Getting close to.
  • Killing their targets with unmatchable viciousness.

Here is a list of 10 of the best female assassins in the history of the world:

10. Claudia Ocha

A 35-year-old sexy-looking assassin, El Chapo, Paid her bills. Ochoa Felix rose to fame on social media in 2014 after posting photos of herself wielding pink and gold AK-47s, carrying designer handbags, and traveling the world in style. A babe and more.

Claudia Ocha sitted a car wearing a red lipstick

Ocha lived the life. She had a lot of street cred. She was so massive. Massive to the point the Cartels Knighted her: Kim Kardashian of Organised crime. They gave her additional Honours in the street university.

Mexico underworld capped her knighthood with another additional Street name: The empress of Ántrax.

During her reign, Claudia handled her business as the leader of Sinoal Carter kill squad, Los Ántrax.

But she lived it a little too much; Shawty died of a drug overdose in her Boo’s crib in Culiacan, Mexico.

9. Kim Kyong Hui

Shawty killed about 115 people with a radio bomb on a South Korean airplane.

This incident happened before the last Korean Olympics under the command of the North Korean leader in 1987. And she delivered, A babe and more. Killer Babe.

Kim Kyong Hui in a black cloth

After the bombing, Kim “Japa” ( Ran away) was fished out and deported to South Korea from Bahrain. She was sentenced to death there but was later pardoned.

But as you know, nothing is free, not even in Freetown.

Babe had to provide information on North Korea’s actual status. She became a rat to eat the cheese of freedom.

Although Kim:

  • Built version 2.0 of herself
  • Got married
  • Started going to church — Because God is nice and merciful.

At 60, Kim still wonders if her sins can be Pardoned,115 people’s family members and friends are the best to ask.

8. La Tosca

She was also known as Maria Jimenez. And Knighted: The Tough One, this Madam ranked as Mexicos’s deadliest female assassin at 26. Quite a High feat, considering how Mexico is the murder capital in the world.

La Tosca cashed a monthly estimated fee of $1700 for her service. “A queen and more” working for her money. She worked for the deadly Los Zeta drug cartel.

She admitted to being involved with at least 20 Genocide when caught and interrogated.

She was also “implicated” in the murder of Detective Antonio Montiel, who was killed in his pick-up truck after being shot multiple times with.9 mm bullets.

According to reports, Jimenez stopped Montiel’s car by blocking it with an ATV. She moves like she’s in a movie.

She was apprehended alongside three male assassins after gunning down rival drug traffickers.

7. Mistress Marcia

Marcia Aurelia Celonia Dematrias. That name will get one roman Emperor turning in his grave with his hard-on. You see, Marcia isn’t just the regular killer. She is what people in the streets of southwest Nigeria will refer to as:” Omo Ogbon”: Wise girl.

Here is how her story goes:

Marcia learns that her Sugar daddy, Lucious Antonio, is planning to kill all his fellow co-fornicators, also known as “Olosho” (Prostitutes), including her(His favorite “Olosho”). ( Men are scum),

Marcia cooked violence in the kitchen of conspiracy with her fellow assistant co-fornicator, and they agreed that for their safety, Marcia must kill the Emperor, which she did during their next love session.

No time to check the time; you check the time, you die. That was the co-fornicators situation.

But the Emperor didn’t die that easily, he was a strong man, so they sent in muscles to strangle Homie to death.

Top babe! However, there is a moral lesson sha: You must always have a backup plan.

6. Shi Jianqiao

On October 14, 1936, Shi got away with murder. However, The story of Shi is a unique one. And her case established a rift between the school of traditional law and the school of modern law.

Her situation touched Chinese society so deeply. Here is what happened.

Shi walked into a monk’s temple with a Gun and pulled the trigger at a retired warlord Sun Chuanfang. After committing the act, she turned herself into the police.

She spent her 20s hunting down her victim. But there is a twist to it.

Shi Jianqiao was the daughter of Chinese military officer Shi Congbin, whose assassination she avenged by killing Sun Chuanfang, the warlord.

Since it was a revenge killing, she got pardoned, and everyone moved on.

5.Mellisa Calderon Ojeda (La China)

‘La china,’ also known as Melissa, is a suspected top Mexican drug trafficker, assassin extraordinaire, and leader of the Los Fuerzas Especiales de Los Damaso.

La china used to control a group of about 300 people. And she has a reputation in the murder department with about 150 murders on their books.

In recent times, Calderon Ojeda reputedly rose to fame after being the centerpiece of the hit song En La Sierra Y La Ciudad, which, according to Breitbart, “praises the narco culture.”

The song describes a gorgeous woman with extensive connections driving an S.U.V. to a meeting.

Now she is currently in prison, and we can, in her case, agree that men are scum.

4. Charle Gallego

Let’s start with her words after being caught.

“We had this sexual fantasy, see, so we just carried it out… I mean, like, it was easy and fun, and we really enjoyed it, so why shouldn’t we do it?”

Early school records indicate Charlene was a shy and reserved girl with good attendance. Charlene was the wife of Co killer Gerald Gallego; this couple was a match made from hell by satan himself.

Both had been in failed marriages before they met. But one thing made them click. The couple matched each other’s fantasies, with Gerald slightly leading on who is crazier.

They were serial killers and rapists, while Gerald took it up a notch with Hebephile and Ephebophili.

An absolute sick match, they were made from the depths of hell. They kidnaped, sex-slaved, and killed ten people to satisfy their sexual urges.

3. Charlotte Corde

Corday, the daughter of an impoverished aristocrat turn assassin, was famous for stabbing and killing one of the strongest voices and leadership in the french revolution.

Corday was a sympathizer of the french royal family, and the whole revolution had messed with the dynamics of her family.

So she made her way to Marat’s place and gained an audience with him.

She pretended to have information against her side of the revolution that could be useful to Marat, and that was it. She had his attention.

Instead of releasing the information, she released death on Marat by stabbing him in his bathtub and turning herself to the authorities. However, the authorities took her to the guillotine after four days; the rest is the history you are reading now.

2. Khloniya Guseua

Khloniya Kuzminichna was a Russian woman who tried to kill Rasputin in his hometown of Pokrovskoye, Serbia, on June 29, 1914-The year Lord Luggard amalgamated northern and southern Nigeria.

Rasputin was a mystic and peasant from Siberia; He became an endeared entity to the Russian royal family because he healed Aleksey Nikolayevich, the hemophiliac heir to the Russian throne.

Here is the thing about Putin: He was a scandalous fellow running Russia down. So a lot of people came for him, Khloniya included.

Although the details of the attack are unclear, one thing certain about the attack was that it was unsuccessful.

The attack still had a toll on Rasputin, though, because he was never the same after the attack.

Rasputin had his pound of flesh from her, though, because it was recorded he somehow managed to mess her nose up, and she wound up looking hideous. Also, She was sent to an asylum.

1.Sara Jare Monroe

Now 92, Sara spent 32 years behind bars from a life sentence for attempting the life of president Gerald ford — The 34th president of the united state. The funny thing was she was the second person in 17 days who had tried to put a hole through president ford for his policy over the wars the united states had engaged in.

According to Sara, she felt putting a bullet through the president would solve the problem in the united state as of then. Even tho she missed the president and hit a cab driver, Sara famously said, “If I had my .44 with me, I would have caught him,” A statement the F.B.I. stamps for approval.

Moore said at her sentencing hearing: “Am I sorry I tried? Yes and no. Yes, because it accomplished little except to throw away the rest of my life. And, no, I’m not sorry I tried, because it seemed a correct expression of my anger at the time.”

In 1978 Sara escaped from prison but was later captured.


As a result, cultural biases frequently undervalue women and elevate men. Studies on self-evaluation reveal that men and women are equally harsh on themselves.

Men tend to judge themselves two points higher than reality, while women sometimes do the opposite to enjoy the benefits of men.

Sometimes they decide to give the biases middle fingers like these 10 women we just looked at.


Who do you think is the most ruthless?

Who is the smartest?

Who do you think is the prettiest?

Name them in the comment section.



Olafare Jesutimileyin Ayomide.
Olafare Jesutimileyin Ayomide.

Written by Olafare Jesutimileyin Ayomide.

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